Electricity and gas bills have risen sharply. Eastern New Energy can help.

Electricity and gas bills have risen sharply in the last few months and experts believe they are likely to rise again later this year. If you’re concerned about how your business will cope with this increased expenditure, the Eastern New Energy project can help.

But first, why have costs risen so dramatically? And why will they continue to rise?

A colder winter and warmer summer than expected have resulted in increased demand for heating and cooling. This has led to an increase in the global demand for gas and as a result, wholesale gas prices increased 250% between Jan 21 and Jan 22. Government sanctions on Russia could further limit the gas supply and threaten to drive up prices even further.

For SMEs that are still recovering from the impacts of the pandemic, this is yet another challenge that their already fragile business must deal with.

The Eastern New Energy (ENE) project can help.

ENE has a range of FREE support services available to eligible SMEs, but if you’re worried about the rising cost of energy, a site energy assessment is the best place to start. One of our experts will visit your site and review how you currently use energy. They will then make recommendations on actions that you can take to reduce your energy consumption.

Many of these recommendations will be NO or LOW COST energy saving measures, giving you an instant reduction in energy bills. Other actions may require some investment, but the ENE grants program may be able to cover up to 25% of the cost of eligible projects that result in a clear reduction of the business carbon footprint.

Our experts are independent. We aren’t linked to any supplier or manufacturer, so our advice is always impartial. We only make recommendations that make good business sense.

Contact the ENE team today to arrange your free site survey: ene@uel.ac.uk


By Jo Southernwood

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